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What u can do

Dear reader, this is a tentative version of what this page might look like when the site is publicized. However even then, the page will be updated regularly as new opportunities arise.

Laugh it up

If you think our jokes aren’t the best, we agree! If you think you can do better please don’t keep it to yourself. Put them in the forum or check out others’ suggestions and vote on the best ones. If you’re one of the best, your joke can end up in the articles, your name could be alongside it, and you can rest assured you helped make the world a better place

Spare some change

Donate to support this site, the small team behind it,

and the spread of life-changing fairitarian

values. Or at least helping to take the

watermarks off our images.

Spread ‘em

Depending on how you feel about this site, you can share this site with your friends or enemies. Either helps and depending on how popular or infamous you are, you can have a huge impact.

Go shopping

10% of every dollar you spend on this site goes to directly

to supporting this site and 100% goes towards making

you look as fly as a kite. Maybe even as fly as this guy.

But wait, there’s more!

If that’s not enough for you, then we’re going to get along. You might want to check out which has a long list of other opportunities to make the world a much better place.

Outsmart us

If you can think of good solutions that aren’t above yet, we want to hear all about them in the forums